LB Trucks Coaching

Empowering you to take your business from chaos to clarity.

Are you searing for:

- Clear direction for your business

- Increased self-awareness

- Healthier work-life balance

Coaching provides accountability and guidance to refine your leadership to reach your specific goals. 

 Reduce Stress. Solve Problems. Gain Clarity. 

I can’t wait to meet you!
It’s easy to get started:

  • Answer 6 Quick Questions

  • Schedule Your Intro Call

  • Set Your Meeting Schedule

Hear about the impact of coaching from a few clients:

  • “Working with LB Trucks Coaching has helped me bring intentionality to my business."

    Amanda J.

  • “After being involved with several coaches and programs, I feel like I have seen the most tactical and real life growth since working with LB."

    Shannon D.

  • “We are exciting to finally feel like we are starting to move forward."

    Chris & Chelsea

Our Services

Business Development 

Elevate your business with unparalleled clarity. 

You’ll gain a clear and actionable path forward, equipping you with practical steps and a reliable resource. 

  • Sharpen and hone your mission and objectives 

  • Establish measurable benchmarks for success 

  • Craft a strategic roadmap to successfully meet your business development goals

Leadership Development

Transform your leadership journey with insight and precision.

Deep dive into a transformative experience that enhances your leadership effectiveness, empowering you with strategies and a trusted guide to navigate your path toward impact and efficiency.

  • Cultivate and amplify your unique leadership strengths

  • Implement actionable strategies for inspiring and leading teams

  • Develop a personalized blueprint for achieving leadership excellence and efficiency

Team Development

Total support for you and 2 of your top team members.

Strengthen your team dynamics with collaborative and strategic insights. Forge a cohesive leadership team that comprehends their influence of the growth of the organization and contributes to its success.

  • Enhance team synergy and master effective communication strategies to boost team collaboration

  • Build a healthy culture

  • Increase retention and job satisfaction

  • Create a roadmap for your organization with actionable steps for your team

Speaking Engagements

Elevate your event with dynamic and engaging insights on leadership and team effectiveness.

Book LB to inspire and empower your audience, whether at conferences, intimate group settings, or company meetings. With a focus on unlocking the potential of leaders and teams, LB delivers captivating presentations that drive home the importance of effective leadership and team dynamics.

  • Experience transformative sessions tailored to enhance leadership development

  • Gain actionable insights to foster team effectiveness and collaboration

  • Ignite a passion for growth and excellence in leaders and teams across all event formats

Leverage LB’s Client-Centric approach, built upon clinical mental health expertise combined with two decades of experience in the trenches with entrepreneurs and leaders. 


As a business owner, the weight of responsibility, coupled with the constant demand for decision-making, can be overwhelming. You may find yourself juggling multiple priorities, struggling to maintain work-life balance, and feeling the weight of uncertainty about the future of your business, allowing self-doubt to creep in. 

YOU CAN TAKE CONTROL. Coaching puts you back in the driver’s seat. Creating margin to make the best possible decisions for you and your team.  Here are the 10 Outcomes You Can Expect from Coaching: 

1. Clarity

Attain clarity in their vision, mission, and values, enabling them to set clear goals and directions for their businesses.

2. Self-Awareness

Increase your self-awareness, understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to make better decisions and navigate challenges effectively.

3. Work-life Balance

Build a healthier work-life dynamic, allowing you to manage your time and energy more effectively. This balance leads to reduced stress and burnout, enhancing overall well-being.

4. Professional Growth

Experience professional growth by receiving guidance, support, and accountability. You’ll learn new skills, strategies, and approaches to expand and grow your businesses successfully.

5. Implementation of Fundamentals

Revisit and refine the fundamental principles in business, such as vision, mission, and core values. 

6. Decision-making

Overcome decision fatigue with clarity and direction. With a clear understanding of your goals and values, you will make decisions confidently and efficiently.

7. Empowerment

Take charge of your businesses and lead with confidence. You will gain the tools and resources you need to overcome challenges, achieve goals, and realize your full potential.

8. Improved

Enhance communication skills, enabling effective communication with team members, clients, and stakeholders. Clear and open communication fosters collaboration, innovation, and success.

9. Accountability

Coaching provides accountability, ensuring that you stay on track with goals and commitments. 

10. Adaptability

Embrace adaptability and resilience in the face of change and uncertainty. By developing a growth mindset and flexible approach, you can navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities effectively.